Guided by scientific and technological innovation, SHSUOTE Valve always keeps outward-oriented and sticks to the positive development on the basis of technological innovation. eccentric butterfly valve manufacturers If you are interested in our new product eccentric butterfly valve manufacturers and others, welcome you to contact us.eccentric butterfly valve manufacturers The design is reasonable, the structure is compact, and the opening and closing is flexible. It can be installed horizontally or vertically according to the actual situation on site. It has good sealing performance, closes without noise, and is durable.
Double eccentric soft seal butterfly valve is a shut-off bicirectional valve with a double offset ofthe disc.
lt has good fluiccontrol characteristics and closing sealing performance, and is widely used in food, medicine, chemical, petroleum.electric power, textile, paper and other industries .
The eccentric principle is that the stem shaft is both deviated from the valve body center (a), also deviated from the seat (b)The double eccentricity effect allows the butterfly plate to quickly detach from the valve seat when the valve is openedGreatly eliminates unnecessary excessive squeezing and scraping between the butterfly plate and the valve seat, reduce:the valve opening torque, reduces valve seat wear, and improves the service life of the valve seat .
Soft seal butterfly valve-Sealing ring on the body
On the basis of the disc seal butterfly valve, derived body seal structure butterfly valve - the sealing ring is fixed on the valve body. Thestructure also has good fluid control characteristics and closing sealing performance .
1. The automatic adjusting elastomer seat is fixed to the body
2.100% bidirectional seal zero leakage
3. Adjusting retaining ring is fixed to the valve body flange with A2-70 screws, which do not contact the medium
4. Besides the above features, t also has the features of good sealing and low operating torgue of butterfly valve with disc seal structure
Double Offset Butterfly Valve Features
1 . 100 % Sealed , zero leakage : se lf-adjusting elastomer seat is fixed to the discby adjusting retainingring
2. Bi-directional flow sealing with 1.1 x PN
3. Disc seat with high qualiy rubber, regains original shape
4. Adjusting retaining ring fastened with A2-70 screws and extra dowel pins5. Body seat with automatic surfacing robot surfacing stainless steel
6. Self-lubricating shaft sleeve, reduce operating torque
7. Easy maintenance and handling
8a . Streamlined discdesign, reduces the flow resistance coefficient, making thefluid channel more stable , reducing pressure loss and reducing sensitivity folvavitation
8b. Truss type disc design, disc has higher strength, suitable for high pressuregrades and large diameters